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Writer's pictureZainab Obalogun


Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the

Civil Rights Act of 1964.

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC, Sexual

Harassment can be described as the unwelcome sexual advances, requests

for sexual favors, or other verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It

could also be through gestures, non-verbal or facial expressions.

All these constitute sexual harassment when:

  • Submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an

  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the

  • Submission to or rejection of this conduct unreasonably interferes with an

The Equality Act of 2010 defined it as the: “unwanted conduct of a sexual

nature which has the purpose or effect of violating someone’s dignity, or

creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive

environment for them.” It covers indecent or suggestive remarks, unwanted

touching, requests or demands for sex and the dissemination of pornography.

Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include

offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a

woman by making offensive comments about women in general.


  1. Physical acts of sexual assault

  2. Leering: This has to do with looking or staring at someone in a lustful,

  3. Requests for sexual favors: This has to do with an employer offering

  4. Verbal harassment of a sexual nature

  5. Uninvited touching or physical contact such as massaging a person

  6. Unwelcome sexual advances: For instance, a male employee hugging

  7. Derogatory/ Sexual comments or jokes: These deals with making a

  8. Intrusive questions or insinuations of a sexual nature about a person’s

  9. Displays of offensive or pornographic material or pictures such as

  10. Offensive communications of a sexual nature due to a person’s

  11. Staring or leering at a person or at parts of his/her body

  12. Touching or fiddling with a person’s clothing e.g. lifting up skirts or

  13. Engaging in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is


Sexual abuse is any sexual act with a child by an older person.

It involves tricking, forcing, threatening, bribing, or pressuring a child into

sexual acts.

It is mainly used to describe behavior towards children, not adults and it is a

criminal act.

All 50 states have laws that recognize that children are not capable of giving

informed consent to any sex act. In Nigeria, the age at which consent can be

given starts from age 11.

Child Sexual abuse can be physical, verbal or emotional and includes:

  1. sexual touching

  2. Exposing a child to pornography i.e watching sexual activity

  3. Taking pornographic pictures of the child,

  4. Voyeurism, or peeping at the child

  5. Forcing a child to look at sexual body parts.

  6. Attempting/performing oral, anal, or vaginal penetration.


Sexual abuse is an unwanted sexual behavior, with perpetrators using force,

making threats, bullying or taking advantage of victims that are in lesser

positions, it is also referred to as molestation. Sexual abuse is when someone

in a position of power or authority takes advantage of a person’s trust and

respect to involve them in sexual activity.

Sexual abuse can occur between:

  1. A child and an adult

  2. A child and an older child

  3. A patient and a doctor

  4. A student and a teacher

  5. A parishioner and a priest


Sexual assault  is a form of sexual violence which

includes rape (forced vaginal, anal or oral penetration or drug facilitated

sexual assault), groping, sexual coercion child sexual abuse or the torture of

the person in a sexual manner. It is the sexual contact with another person

without the person consenting to it. It also involves coercion or physically

forcing, manipulating a person to engage in a sexual act against their will

Sexual assault can happen through physical force or threats or if the attacker

gave the victim drugs or alcohol as part of the assault.

Sexual assault is an umbrella term that includes a wide range of victimizations

which may or may not involve force or be illegal.

Some forms of sexual assault include:

  1. Attempted rape

  2. Rape/ Marital rape

  3. Fondling or unwanted sexual touching above or under clothes

  4. Forcible sodomy— Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as anal or oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator’s body

  5. Sexual contact with minors, whether consensual or not

  6. Incest (Sexual intercourse or sexual intrusion between family members.)

  7. Any unwanted sexual coercion or coerced sexual contact

  8. sexual contact with a person who is not in the right frame of mind to

Sexual assault can also be verbal, visual, or non-contact. It is anything that

forces a person to join in unwanted sexual activities or attention. Other

examples can include:

  1. Voyeurism, or peeping (when someone watches private sexual acts

  2. Exhibitionism (when someone exposes himself or herself in public)

  3. Sexual harassment or threats

  4. Forcing someone to pose for sexual pictures

  5. Sending someone unwanted texts or “sexts” (texting sexual photos or messages)


Rape is a form of sexual assault, but not all sexual assault is rape. The term

rape is often used as a legal definition to specifically include sexual

penetration without consent.

All rape and sexual assault is serious. The terms rape and 'sexual assault' are used simply to differentiate between two types of offence. So what's the


Rape is when a person intentionally penetrates another's vagina, anus or

mouth with a penis, without the other person's consent. Assault by penetration

is when a person penetrates another person's vagina or anus with any part of

the body other than a penis, or by using an object, without the person’s



Sexual Violence means any sexual act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender

identity or gender expression, whether the act is physical, emotional or

psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a

person without the person’s consent and includes sexual assault.

The term "sexual violence" is an all-encompassing, non-legal term that refers

to crimes like sexual assault, rape, and sexual abuse, sexual harassment,

stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation.

Examples include:

  1. Putting one’s sexual organ, object or other parts of the body into

  2. Being forced to give or receive oral sex

  3. Being forced to masturbate or forced to watch someone masturbate.

  4. Unwanted sexual touching - on private parts of the body.

  5. Sexual harassment - making inappropriate sexual comments.

  6. Voyeurism – the practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching

  7. Making someone watch a sexual act or pornography.


CONSENT: Consent is the voluntary agreement or permission to engage in a

sexual activity with a person.

Consent cannot be given by someone is drunk, drugged, asleep or with a

certain disability neither can consent be obtained through threats, trickery,

bribery, blackmailing, coercion, pressure or other forms of control or


COERCION: coercion is the act of exerting pressure, alcohol or drugs, or force

to have sexual contact with someone against his or her will. It also involves

persistent attempts to have sexual contact with someone or go beyond a

certain point of sexual intercourse with someone who has already

declined. Ignoring or dismissing the objections of another person may also be

a form of coercion.

GROPING: it involves touching or fondling another person in an unwelcome

sexual way using the hands.

MOLESTATION: a crime that involves "sexual acts with children up to the age

of 18, including touching of private parts, exposure of genitalia, taking of

pornographic pictures, rape, inducement of sexual acts with the molester or

with other children, and variations of these acts by pedophiles. Molestation

may include incest or unwanted sexual acts by a relative, but is short of rape" 

PAEDOPHILES: a person who is sexually attracted to children

INCEST: it involves sexual activity between family members or

close relatives. This typically includes sexual activity between blood relations,

and sometimes those related by affinity, stepfamily, those related

by adoption or marriage, or members of the same clan or lineage.

ORAL SEX: is using your mouth and tongue to stimulate your partner’s genital

or anal area, providing sexual pleasure.

ANAL SEX OR ANAL INTERCOURSE is the insertion of the penis into a

person's anus for sexual pleasure. It could also involve the use of fingers or

sex toys to penetrate the anus.

BULLYING is the use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone),

typically to force them to do something.

CYBER BULLYING: The use of electronic communication to bully a person,

typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

VOYEURISM: the practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching others

when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.

EXHIBITIONISM: involves the deliberate and unsolicited exposure of the

genitals to an unwilling audience.

LEERING: Looking or staring at someone in a lustful, sexually interested and

unpleasant way.

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